Press Release

NTCA Response to FCC Rip and Replace Report


NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association today responded to the FCC’s Fourth Report to Congress on the status of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Program (also known as the “Rip and Replace” Program). The report found that only 12 percent of recipients have completed their work, with 64 percent reporting that the lack of funding remains a barrier. Nearly 40 percent reported that they will be unable to comply without additional funding.

“The findings of the latest FCC report reflect what we have heard from our members—that support is critical to help smaller operators remove and replace insecure equipment in their networks,” said NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield. “If the funding shortfall is not addressed as soon as possible, this unfortunately will leave U.S. networks at risk with respect to national security threats and disruptions, and rural consumers will suffer if rural providers are forced to discontinue services where they cannot afford to replace equipment.”