
Member Moments: DUO Broadband Celebrates a Platinum Anniversary 

Seventy is a lucky number in 2024, not just for NTCA, but for DUO Broadband (Jamestown, Ky.) as well. The provider is celebrating its platinum anniversary of delivering advanced communications with local dependability and reliable customer service this year.  

Eric West, director of business operations and a DUO employee for over 25 years, said he has seen the incredible growth that the company’s staff, board of directors and management have achieved for the benefit of their customers.  

“DUO has never strayed away from the cooperative mindset, knowing it’s the heart of success,” he said. “Providing the services that the membership wants and deserves for the past 70 years [is what it’s all about].”  

Rabon Smith, a customer since 1960, said DUO is one of the best run companies he knows, noting that “they haven’t just been good for me, they have been good for Russell County.”  

The work does not stop at 70 years, however. West said he is excited for the expansion of DUO’s fiber facilities to un- and under-served communities and for the continued broadband-inspired improvements and enhancements to the lives of those in the community.  

More information about DUO Broadband can be found on their website.