Federal Filings and Ex Parte

NTCA Meets with FCC Staff to Express Support for Grant of Waiver of Reduction in CAF-BLS and/or HCLS Posed to Take Effect this Summer

(May 6) In a meeting with staff to Commissioner Carr, NTCA expressed support of the grant of a waiver by the FCC of the reduction in Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support and/or High-Cost Loop Support poised to take effect...

NTCA Meets with FCC Staff to Express Support for Grant of Waiver of Reduction in CAF-BLS and/or HCLS Posed to Take Effect this Summer

(May 5) In a meeting with staff to Commissioner Starks, NTCA expressed support for the grant of a waiver by the FCC of the reduction in Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support and/or High-Cost Loop Support poised to take effect...