04.27.17 NTCA_ WTA meet with Commissioners O'Rielly's and Clyburn's legal advisors, WC 10-90

Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90

On Thursday, April 27, 2017,Mike Romano, on behalf of NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association (“NTCA”), and Derrick Owens and Gerry Duffy on behalf of WTA-Advocates for Rural Broadband (the “Rural Associations”), met separately with Amy Bender, legal advisor to Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, and Claude Aiken, legal advisor to Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, to discuss matters in the above-referenced proceeding.  In each meeting, the Rural Associations discussed a series of “punch list” items as identified in prior meetings and again in the current meetings that can and should be addressed to ensure that high-cost universal service fund (“USF”) reforms previously adopted will function as intended and comport with the statutory mandates governing universal service.

04.27.17 NTCA_ WTA meet with Commissioners O'Rielly's and Clyburn's legal advisors, WC 10-90