
We’re Stronger Together

Disaster Relief Clearinghouse (Activated)

The NTCA Disaster Relief Clearinghouse is currently active.

All of us at NTCA are devastated by the news of flooding in parts of Iowa, South Dakota and Minnesota. We have already heard from members in affected areas who are assessing the needs of their networks and in need of supplies for their employees and their families. NTCA has activated the clearinghouse and will communicate with member companies in affected areas and update the clearinghouse as new needs and offers of assistance are known. NTCA members in need of help or supplies are encouraged to submit requests for needed resources. If we receive any requests for supplies or supplies available, we will post them here in the Disaster Relief Clearinghouse.

Please check this site periodically—your resources may assist your fellow members in restoring essential communications service to their communities. NTCA will facilitate communications with affected telcos.

As always, we appreciate your willingness to help in the face of dangerous natural disasters.