Federal Filings and Ex Parte

NTCA Meets to Reiterate Support for Broadband Labels that Promote Consumer Choice and Mitigate the Burden on Small Providers

(May 20) In a meeting with staff of the Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau, NTCA reiterated support for adopting a simple label that will not be complicated or confusing to consumers, and which would allow them to make meaningful and...

NTCA Part of the USForward Group Meets to Continue Discussion on USF Reform and Universal Service Contribution Methodology

(May 18) In meetings with the USForward Group, NTCA continued to discuss the findings in the USForward Report and the state of the Universal Service Fund. The discussions included continued support for expanding the current revenues-based system to include broadband...

NTCA Meets with FCC staff to Express Support for Moving Forward with the NPRM Regarding ACAM and USF Programs

(May 12) In a meeting with staff to Commissioner Simington, NTCA expressed support for moving forward with the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding ACAM and other USF programs. NTCA encouraged the commission to acknowledge the work of these programs isn’t...

NTCA Meets with FCC staff to Express Support for Moving Forward with the NPRM Regarding ACAM and USF Programs

(May 12) In a meeting with staff to Chairwoman Rosenworcel, NTCA expressed support for moving forward with the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding ACAM and other USF programs. NTCA encouraged the commission to acknowledge the work of these programs isn’t...