Meagan Johnson

Generational Expert, Speaker and Author

Meagan Johnson tackles the generational challenges, myths and misunderstanding head on. Unwilling to accept standard by-the-book generational generalizations, Meagan demonstrates to audiences, through her own in-depth research and program customization, that all generations have differences and strengths that go beyond mere age and appearance. Move beyond complaining about the generations and revisiting old generational information. Learn from Meagan what you can do right now to make the most of all the generations. 

Quoted by the Chicago Tribune, and US News & World Report, she has been heard on ABC Talk Live, NPR and profiled on Conde’ Nast’s Meagan has become the ‘Go To’ expert for all things generational. Meagan gives audiences a chance to not only laugh at their own generation but flourish in the presence of others. 

Meagan lives in Phoenix AZ., with her four dogs that have a total of 15 legs … You do the math.