Operation IFAST – Internet Service Providers Fight Against Sex Trafficking

Broadband services that internet service providers offer are designed to provide connectivity. However, the internet also has become a place for recruiting victims of sex trafficking and facilitating their abuse.

There is an opportunity to make a difference. 

In partnership with the Guardian Group, NTCA encourages providers to join Operation IFAST, a three-step program designed to raise awareness, support law enforcement and raise money to combat these crimes.


By training your team, you demonstrate leadership to your community. Training is especially valuable for those working in the field, so they are aware of the signs of sex-trafficking and can report suspicious behavior to law enforcement.


The Guardian Group offers a variety of free resources for law enforcement to help them combat sex trafficking by reducing the man hours needed to identify, locate and rescue victims of human trafficking. Use your community connections to introduce law enforcement to these resources by hosting an information-sharing event with your local law enforcement.  


Support the efforts of the Guardian Group by: 
- Hosting an event for your community to learn more. 
- Joining Team 1591 as a company.
- Starting a corporate matching program and inviting your employees to increase the impact.


Become involved and make a difference like these participating companies:

CLTel Iowa
Danville Telecom Iowa
Dunkerton Communications Iowa
East Buchana Telephone Cooperative Iowa
F&B Communications Iowa
Farmers Mutual Telephone Communication Iowa
LaMotte & Andrew Telephone Company Iowa
Lightstream Indiana
Minburn Communications Iowa
Mosaic Technologies Wisconsin
MTC Technologies Iowa
Polar Tel North Dakota
Rainbow Communications Kansas
Skyline Sky Best North Carolina
Spencer Municipal Utilities Iowa
Woodstock Communications Minnesota
YK Communications Texas

Ready to learn more and get involved? 

Operation IFAST has a variety of resources available to you to get started.