We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans, LA, for the NTCA 2025 Marketing + Sales Conference

May 4–6, 2025Hyatt Regency New Orleans  |  New Orleans, LA

The annual Marketing + Sales Conference is the only conference of its kind, combining all aspects of marketing and sales for the rural broadband industry into one robust, high-value event.

From branding and logo design to community outreach and sales strategies for business development, the conference is focused on providing solutions that are unique to the challenges rural broadband marketing and sales professionals face in their roles. Learn about new innovations within the field, share best practices with other attendees and discover new strategies and tactics you can put to work to achieve your marketing and sales goals.

Connect, share and discover new ways to put your creative ideas to work. 

More than just content, attendees at Marketing + Sales find incredible value in making connections and building their network. Just one reason this conference is "Rural Broadband's Liveliest Forum"

Content you will not find at any other conference, developed intentionally by and for rural broadband marketing and sales professionals.

You can be sure that if this is your first year attending the Marketing + Sales Conference, it will not be your last.

See what past attendees have said about attending Marketing + Sales Conference.


Wow! NTCA, you did not disappoint with the Marketing + Sales Conference. I was so humbled to learn from some of the industry veterans, I networked with marketing unicorns from all over the US, and I found some super fun organizations that can help streamline projects. Loved Everything! Thank you to all the great individuals I met! Can't wait to implement some fun ideas and grow from here! 


The wonderful world of commissions! Shouting a HUGE thanks to this wonderful panel of experts! We covered some ground discussing the good, bad, and beneficial sides of commission structures at the NTCA Marketing + Sales Conference!



It was great to talk with attendees of the NTCA Marketing + Sales Conference. Our panel on Data Analytics, and how to engage, was a critical piece of discussion at the conference. 


Experience over speed? Check. Focus on story? Always! We learned so much at Marketing + Sales Conference!



This was my third NTCA Marketing & Sales conference (one in-person, two virtual) and I've found materials or inspiration to carry into my position. My goal is to execute at least one marketing tactic following this conference in my yearly development goals. I'm thankful for the opportunity to participate.


Great variety of topics and speakers. I pulled many ideas to use for our company that were very fitting for our current marketing needs.



The ability to watch concurrent sessions at different a time was so helpful. All of the topics were timely, and it was hard to choose which session to attend. The ability to rewatch sessions allowed for better comprehension and better action plans.


I love the session discussions! This is where I got ideas and takeaways from my peers. I love hearing successes and ideas from all of the companies nationwide. Wonderful idea.


I wasn't quite sure how engaged I could be sitting behind a computer screen; however, the conference went so smoothly with interesting topics, I learned a ton and am very grateful for the experience and information gained.

